Monday funday

Today we are at nemours all day for a blood transfusion. His counts came back with another low hemoglobin. He was at 6 when we got here this morning. They still don’t seem all that concerned with this downward trend but also still can’t give me an answer as to why it is still happening. It is all just a waiting game at this point to see if it starts correcting itself. Hopefully this transfusion will last a few days so we can have a day or two break. Today has been a play dough day. Luckily in the generic pack that I bought there was black. One may think this was an odd color to have in a kids set but fortunately for us it is Halloween season so it really came in handy. Lots of snacks. Lots of movies. Lots of molding and creating. Only a few melt downs. I say it was a pretty good first half of the day. Now let’s try and survive the second half. You got this Georgie.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12


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