Three year old problems

Yesterday we woke up extra early to get the girls started on homeschool and then rush into Wolfson Day Hospital for George’s treatment. It was all going smoothly until we passed by the hospital gift shop where George use to be able to pick out a pack of M&Ms after each treatment as a little treat. Well guess what is closed because of CoViD19? Yep, the hospital gift shop. Nothing slips by George. I tried pointing out the cool murals on the opposite side of the room as we walked down what seemed to be worlds longest hall with glass windows showcasing all the treats and goodies that the gift shop had to offer. Silly me. George was onto my diversion tactics from the jump. I can easily just explain to him that the shop is closed so we couldn’t get the M&Ms right? That would be a big fat NO! So this is where the first tantrum began. Yes I said first. We woke up any tired employees drifting off. We woke up any babies trying to sleep in their strollers. We put whiplash into the necks of all pedestrians in front of us. Now that’s how you make an entrance. After only 30 minutes, George decided to calm down. By this time we were in our room and he was promptly hooked up to his IV drip. Thank goodness for the premeds of Benadryl and Tylenol that they administer to him to help with the side effects of the medication. We were rolling along nicely with some magical unicorn playdoh and some look and find books and then out of nowhere he remembered about the M&Ms. Cue the theatrics. So what is a mom to do? Add to the problem of giving the spoiled boy whatever he wants, that’s what. I left him with some nurses and walked clear across the hospital to the cafeteria and bought him a bag of M&Ms. Yes I know I am the problem here. It’s a viscous circle. I will lay in the bed I made. He ate them with delight. He ate a ton of other snacks we packed. He colored. He watched Toy Story 4. He face timed. He went on a few IV pole rides around the floor. Then just as the day was winding down we got a sweet surprise from Nothing Bunt Cakes. They brought the day hospital a whole cart full of mini bunt cakes. The CoViD 15 is real folks. But more like the Covid 20 in our case. We will have all summer to burn off that weight though, right? The treatment ended with no sickness. The time actually passed quickly. His labs came back and his counts were lower once again, however. His hemoglobin is now down to 9.2. I am going to have an appointment with his dr next week to discuss why this is still happening and what I have to expect at this point of the process. He is still having to get his Neupegen shots weekly to boost his ANC. That is still not raising on its own either. He had to go up on his oral chemo that he takes at home. This was the drug that I was hoping he would be off soon so when they increased his dose I was discouraged. From this IV treatment his immunity is back to zero. It will take a few weeks to build it back up to his normal. So as news is breaking for the country to begin opening back up we are once again put into our bubble. I don’t mind because in all honesty I wasn’t going to let our family start getting back out there yet anyway. God please heal George. Please help him to not start going in the opposite direction. Continue his journey of health and growth. Please give me patients with him. This is a trying time. Between the homeschool, house management and caregiver to all of his medical needs I am needing extra prayers of being able to manage my stress and patience big time. For everyone’s sake. Thank goodness we have had lots of beach time and lots of play time to break up all of the serious stuff. Between the temper tantrums George is really fun and funny to be around. We will get there. We will get through this. We will come out stronger on the other side. We will keep laughing and praying and eating. Those solves all things. We have so much to be grateful for. So much. Even in the times of frustration and discouragement, we will sing praises to our Lord and Savior.
Therefor I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24


  1. Hang in there Momma... you’re doing just fine... that little stinker and his M&M’s... sure he’s not an Anderson ? 😘


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