
I always wanted twins. Twins run in my moms family so I somewhat imagined it might actually happen. What I did not imagine was it happening at the ripe old age of 42. They may not have shared a womb or even been born in the same year but Kate and George are officially twins. 100% engraftment! George’s transplant was a complete success. They are identical twins in every way internally. They share the exact same DNA. Our second child literally saved our third child’s life and now they will forever have a bond that only identical twins share. People may not have chosen this path to get twins and frankly I wouldn’t have either but I would not change even a second of any of it. Because of the blessing of George’s disease we have become a closer family. We have become closer with both old and new friends. We have met so many amazing people. We have experienced so many wonderful things. But most importantly we have grown closer to God. I did not know that I needed all of this in my life,...