No iron, no problem

We went in for George’s MRI and Bone Marrow aspiration a few weeks ago. All went pretty well until he came out of anesthesia. He was so upset that they had to call me back to the recovery area to help. I couldn’t calm him down either so what do you do then? Well you put him back under. Yep, the anesthesiologist came in the room after hearing the screams from down the hall and juiced him back up. When he woke up from the second round he was still upset, but not in an all out frenzy. He has always had a rough time waking up from anesthesia but now that he is a head strong 3 year old he is really fun to deal with post procedure. We got the results back last week from those tests and his bone marrow looked wonderful and was as perfect as a perfectly healthy child’s would look. Wow is this amazing news. It is as if he was born disease free. Let that sink in for a minute. God, you are good. His results from his MRI came back with some other wonderful news. NO IRON BUILDUP!! His body got...