The week leading up to Halloween was very eventful in the Mitchell house. We got a call from Kate’s school that she was possibly exposed to Covid and so she needed to stay home from school all week. That same day she ended up having a fever. When Bowers came home from school that afternoon, she too had a fever. After I had picked Kate up from school we went straight to have Covid tests but the results would not be back for 48 hours. I thought we may actually have it since both girls had fevers. After I put George to sleep I noticed he was having a hard time breathing. He was so congested that it was waking him up each time he tried to take a breath. It was a very strange and unfamiliar sound that he was making as he tried to breath. We took his temperature and sure enough he had a 101 temp. I called the on call hematologist and they said take him in to the ER. When we woke him he was complaining that his stomach hurt. I assumed this was actually his chest hurting and him just desc...