Yesterday George checked into the hospital and had his port removed. Let me say that again. George had his port removed. The lifeline that has assisted George through this whole transplant. His nurse and I were laughing yesterday saying that this might have been the hardest working port of all time. That port needs an award. MVP (most valuable port). Ports can go bad. Ports can get dislodged. Ports can become infected. George’s port never wavered. Never failed. Like our God. Never wavering. Never failing. It was a long day at the hospital. Especially long since George was unable to eat or drink anything. The child life specialist came through again with lots of distractions in the form of legos and games and art projects. While we will not miss spending long days at the hospital we will certainly miss our child life specialists. I think we need to hire one to move in with us. The timing of George having his port removed thanksgiving week sums up how we feel about this whole journey. Thankful. There are so many words and emotions that come to mind but really the one that fits best is thankful. We are thankful that God stood firm beside us every step of the way. We are thankful for the wonderful doctors and nurses that not only guided us through this process but put so much love into it too. They did not have to. It is their job to care for and treat patients but they all went beyond their role and treated us like their own family. They made us feel like George was their only patient. They tended to all of our needs and way beyond. The organizations such as Dreams Come True, With Love Charity and once Upon a Room brought joy to not only George but Bowers, Kate, Mitch and myself too. Those organizations are absolutely incredible. I will forever be grateful for all of the generosity and love was placed on our family. The support of family. When I say I could not have done this without family I am not kidding. That is a literal statement. Physically, spiritually, and mentally we were held by family. I thank God that we are so blessed with a family like no other. This was just as much their journey as it was George’s. Friends, oh my friends. Our community of friends came through strong. I can not thank everyone enough for the enormous amount of love and support and outpouring for George. Quite frankly, it blew my mind and still continues to. Since the day we found out about George’s diagnosis and ever day since, our friends have rallied to love and take care of our family. The power of prayer is so real. We have lived it and witnessed it. We had more people praying for George then I could ever meet in my whole life. People I didn’t know. People that not only live all over the country but also over seas. God heard all of these prayers and we certainly felt them. Our God. Our savor. He knew. He knew before George was formed. He picked George He picked us. We are so thankful that He did. Mitch and I were both raised in the church and have continued our faith as adults as well. I can tell you this though, I personally have never had as close of a relationship with God as I do now. Look how God uses certain things that may seem like pain on the outside and uses it for beauty on the inside. This journey has been a lot. It has been scary. It has been exhausting. It has been fear filled at times. It has also been transforming. It has brought closeness to not only God but to our family and our friends. It has brought joy. It has brought health. It has brought compassion. It has brought awareness. It has opened my eyes to so much. It has taught me so much. I started this blog so that some family and friends could be kept informed on everything with George’s transplant. What this blog has given me is a way to remember every step of this miraculous journey. George will be able to read this one day and understand exactly what all he endured for the first three years of his life. Endured and accomplished. He will see all of Gods mercies. All of Gods love and power. All of Gods promises. I am so thankful for our life. I am so thankful for George. I am so thankful for everyone who has read along and prayed and cared and reached out to us. It is more then this little heart can handle. I am humbled. I am thankful. George is healed! George is healed! George is healed!
Psalm 118:1
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
What an amazing journey. Thank you Lord!!