Prayer requests

George’s counts this morning were not improved. His platelets had gone down and so had his ANC. His hemoglobin went up 2 points but is still really low. His body is not responding to the platelet transfusions for some reason. He had another one today and we will check into the hospital on Sunday for the day to get one as well. They will have a blood transfusion ready to go too in case his hemoglobin doesn’t come back up. They are going to start cross matching his platelets that he receives to see if this will help them come up. What this means is that they will take the platelets and try and match them exactly to his own platelets. Right now his body is killing them off right as he receives them because they recognize them as being foreign. We need specific prayers that his transplant is not starting to fail. We need this all to turn around and for his body to regain all the forward momentum that it started with right after he received Kate’s marrow. Something is going on right now and the drs aren’t sure what it is yet. Concerns are being moved from graft versus host disease to graft failure. I am still believing that this is not the case and that this will all turn around soon. That he just needs some tweaking on his platelets and then everything will fall back into place and he will continue to march through the rest of his transplant waiving his victory flag high. We need everyone to pray. A bone marrow transplant does not end when you leave the hospital. It can fail at any point. God please carry George through this. Hold him up. Heal him. Rise up inside of him and lead him to your victory. Heal him. We believe in miracles and believe that George is one in the making. We thank God for bringing us this far. Please continue praying for George.                         For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13


  1. " I am the Lord who heals you.." Exodus 15:26
    Praying for George this morning. God is good and will do as He promised in George's body and life.
    I stand in faith and in agreement with your prayers for George.

  2. " I will give you back your health and heal your wounds, " says, the Lord. "


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