Hawky Tawky

George’s dr got to get a good look at his marrow labs from yesterday. He reported back to us that His marrow looked great. It was all functioning just as it should. A huge praise!! He said that the dropping in his counts is indeed due to the hemolytic anemia. They thought this all along but needed to be sure it wasn’t something more serious. His counts also came back today looking great. His platelets held at 41. His hemoglobin held at 10.2 and his ANC was 6000. He was able to adjust his dose of steroids to a smaller amount. Hooray. He won’t be fully off them for another month but the weaning process has begun. We will be staying in the hospital through Tuesday. George has to finish his IV chemo and then we can take the other stuff orally and check out and then it’s just back to our M-W-F appointments at Nemours.   George is not allowed to leave his room as a precaution for not only him but for the other patients on the floor as well. I drink a lot of water throughout the day and the water cooler is down the hall where I fill up my jug. I would always just mask up George and bring him with me. I was told last night that I couldn’t do that anymore. Coincidentally George received a set of Batman Walkie Talkies today from some of his buddies back home. So every time I needed water today we would each have our “Hawky tawkys” and he would stay in the room and we
would talk the whole time I was gone. We laughed and laughed. It worked out perfectly. I’m sure everyone here thinks we are crazy but I say we are geniuses. These were the perfect solution to our problem. And so much fun too. They even talk in the deep Batman voice which really made us look like looney tunes. All in all it was a Good day. I am so thankful for the great report on his marrow. I am so thankful for another sweet day with this boy. Thank you Lord for all of your blessings. Over and out from Mommy and George.


  1. I loved hawky tawkys when I was a kid.... what a thoughtful gift, with perfect timing!


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