Home sweet hospital

As I arrived home yesterday afternoon from our day at Nemours I got a call from George’s dr saying to take him immediately to the ICU. His counts had plummeted within a few hours and it was a dire situation. Once there we immediately started on blood and tests and a whirlwind of various nurses and drs trying to get him stable and come up with yet another plan to deal with this problem. They did all agree on one thing. He sure didn’t look like a person with such low counts. After discussing some not so pleasant options on how to stop his antibodies from attacking at such a rapid rate they retested his blood. Thank the Lord his hemoglobin was up to 7. The test that showed that it was at 4 was a misread or it was a read that had been mixed with the flush from the IV tubing. This was such a relief to everyone. We were able to come out of the ICU in the middle of the night and move onto Weaver 4, our home away from home. George could sense the familiarity and calmed down significantly. We settled into our room and he was fast asleep within an hour. He began chemo again last night. He will be on this and a few new medicines until the anemia stops. We will be staying in the hospital until his counts come up to a normal range and stay there. His hemoglobin came up some and so did his ANC (with the help of Neupegen). His platelets dropped again though so he had another platelet transfusion today. He will get another blood transfusion in the morning. They assured us that they will eventually get this under control but it is just going to take a while and a lot of trial and error on medications to make it happen. It may be 6 months it may be 12 months but it will happen. God give us strength. God protect George. God give us patients. Keep George strong. We are at our home sweet hospital with all the drs and nurses we love and who love George. We are so blessed to have Wolfson Hospital to care for George. If we can’t be home then there is no other place we would like to be.  The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with strength. Psalm 29:11


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