
After 10 days in the hospital, we are home!!!! George is so happy to be here. He really loves his house and his sisters. We went on a good walk this morning for some fresh air and to feel what being outside felt like again. Still hot 😂.  But it did feel great to soak up the elements. We go back to Nemours tomorrow for the day for another platelet and blood transfusion. His counts had dropped some as we were leaving but they let us come home regardless to give us a little break. We will be there Thursday and Friday as well but hopefully just for his chemo and not for more transfusions. I thought for sure we would both sleep so great last night since we were finally back on our own beds. Well, maybe tonight will be the night. I think George was so excited to be here that he was up most of the night. Either that or we missed all of the middle of the night nurse checks and beeping alarms. Whatever it was will hopefully pass and we will be snoring all night long tonight. We are so grateful to be home as a complete family. It was a great feeling having us all under one roof again. Praying that we don’t have to have another hospital stay. If we do though at least we know it’s a place we like and are comfortable. Praying that George will continue to heal and have positive reports on his progress. Praying for continued strength and patients throughout all of this. We look forward to seeing all of our friends at Nemours tomorrow. I’m sure they have been missing us. I mean, who likes to work in a peaceful and non chaotic office, right? Well don’t worry nurses and drs, we will see you at 9:30 and will be ready to add the fun back to your work day. Feeling Gods love surrounding us and His presence always.  
All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 4:15 


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