The show must go on

Today was the day. Kate’s big thanksgiving singing performance at her school. She was so excited about it. I worked it out to take George in first thing this morning for labs and then go to her program and then back to the hospital for his chemo. Well it was all falling into place when his tubing from his port came unclipped and blood started pouring out of it. After soaking through his clothes we clipped it back up and headed straight back to the hospital for them to fix the problem. But as they say in show business, “the show must go on”. I was not able to go to Kate’s program. Daddy and MomMom pulled through in a pinch and were able to go support her and send me video. Kate nailed it and was happy to have the surprise guests. George’s hemoglobin held from yesterday so no blood transfusion for today but we are here for his 8 hour chemo IV drip. Since his antibody levels were raised the dr decided to go ahead and continue this treatment. Although the day did not go as planned it is still working out fine. Kate is happy. George is happy. I am getting to relax in a hospital bed with my boy while watching the Great British Baking championship marathon. I say today is a good day after all. We will hopefully get to leave here this evening and not come back until Monday. We will soak up our weekend and continue praying for this pesky anemia to go away. Thank you Lord for my understanding and (mostly) easy children who go with the flow. Thank you Lord for drs and nurses who care so much for George. Thank you Lord for all of your grace and all of your blessing with our family.  Gobble gobble or as George says “boggle boggle!”


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