Batters up

Over the weekend George was invited to go to an event put on by With Love Charity. It is a special organization that focuses on bringing joy to children who are going through cancer or transplants during the holidays. It was so touching and wonderful for George and his sisters to be a part of. The local programs they have set up for pediatric hematology and oncology patients are quite amazing. I can not wait until we are on the other side of this and can start to give back as well. They have given so much to our family and many other families. While at this event, one of the toys George was able to pick out was a baseball bat. The girls immediately screamed “no, not another weapon!” George likes to torture them at home with all of his make shift swords. George was so excited and his bat has been by his side ever since. It only seemed like the appropriate toy to accompany us to his dr appointment this morning. I’m sure all the staff was pleased with our choice. No one was injured and George was able to play a few innings of baseball while we were there so it all worked out just fine. His labs came back alright but the concern has shifted back to the possibility of graft versus host. His rash has not gotten any better and actually looked a little worse. He had a small fever this weekend and now has a cough and runny nose too. He also had a few bad diapers over the past few days. All of these are significant when diagnosing the GVH. He was prescribed a stronger steroid topical cream and now has to go back up on his dosage of oral steroids. He is also going to go up on his dose of oral chemo. They will watch the rash closely this week and then if it doesn’t seem to be getting better they will take a skin biopsy to see if he does indeed have GVH. Gulp. Big prayers that this rash is being caused by the back to back viruses that he has had and that it is not graft versus host. I am believing that this will clear itself up over the next few days. I am praying that we can get through the next few weeks without any major issues with him. I am praying that he gets well from this cold quickly and can build back up his health and kick this anemia out. Please heal George, Lord. Please continue making him stronger each day. Please protect him. We pray that he continues to move forward and not take any more steps backwards. We trust you and your plan dear Lord and we thank you for getting us where we are today. "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD" ~ Jeremiah 30:17  


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