Starting December out well

After a long and very relaxing, fun filled holiday weekend we got right back to reality this morning with school and dr appointments. This morning his labs came back showing that his platelets held at 44 which isn’t great but the fact that they held is. His hemoglobin dropped but not terribly. It was around 10.9 this morning. His ANC was at 4000 which is great but he was also put back on Neupegen last week so this is certainly the reason for that high number. He still is battling his cold which I know effects his counts so when they gave me the results today I was actually pleased. I was expecting them all to be much lower. He gets to skip going in tomorrow but will be having his 8 hour chemo treatment at the hospital on Wednesday. This is the one that makes him sick so please keep him in your prayers for that. This treatment is also the last of that one kind. Hooray for that!!! This is the treatment that is suppose to take care of the anemia problem. It will still be awhile before we know if it worked but huge prayers that it does. He is almost off of his steroids too. He has three more weeks of them and then we will start looking out for that jaw line again. I honestly don’t even remember what he looked like before chubby steroid cheeks. When I see pictures of him from before he started taking them he looks completely different. I love his little puffy face but will be glad when I can see that Georgie boy that we all know and love resurface. I am so curious to see if his appetite will decrease some too. He is such a big eater now. I hope that part stays the same. His little blonde hair is now coming back in black. Yes just as dark as mine. It’s so funny to see it fill in. Ever so slightly, but it’s coming for sure. So as the first week of December is upon us we are so thankful and happy that things seem to be going in the right direction. When you get too comfortable things seem to spiral in the wrong direction so we are still continually praying and trusting that God heals George completely and that as this year comes to an end so will George’s ailments and complications. New year, New George! We believe and we rejoice at the thought alone. Thank you Lord for a great kick off to December.


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