We’re back!!

Sorry for the long hiatus on posting. With all this extra time on our hands we seem to have no extra time on our hands. My kids sure know how to keep me occupied. Like I mentioned before, we are old pros at the quarantine bit but the attached at the hip 24/7 routine is certainly consuming my every second.. I can’t complain about that because I know it’s a blessing buuuttttt, it leaves almost no time for me to get anything for myself done. So here I am posting an update on George a few weeks late. Thanks for hanging in there with me. I’ll be better I promise. The day hospital treatment the week before last went good. No problems and no sickness after. His labs last week were about the same as the weeks before but his hemoglobin had dropped a little bit more. The drs did not seem concerned so I will follow their lead and trust that everything is ok. Update on his face. You guys!!!!! It’s amazing to say the least. His face is not red at all. It is not crusty. It is not dry. There are no s...