We’re back!!

Sorry for the long hiatus on posting. With all this extra time on our hands we seem to have no extra time on our hands. My kids sure know how to keep me occupied. Like I mentioned before, we are old pros at the quarantine bit but the attached at the hip 24/7 routine is certainly consuming my every second.. I can’t complain about that because I know it’s a blessing buuuttttt, it leaves almost no time for me to get anything for myself done. So here I am posting an update on George a few weeks late. Thanks for hanging in there with me. I’ll be better I promise. The day hospital treatment the week before last went good. No problems and no sickness after. His labs last week were about the same as the weeks before but his hemoglobin had dropped a little bit more. The drs did not seem concerned so I will follow their lead and trust that everything is ok. Update on his face. You guys!!!!! It’s amazing to say the least. His face is not red at all. It is not crusty. It is not dry. There are no sores. It looks so wonderful. It is almost strange to see his white little cheeks. I am use to them always being so red and  aggravated. It makes us so happy. He has to go into the day hospital for a really long treatment of antibodies on this coming Thursday. He has had this one many times before. It does make him feel a little sick so please be praying for him. It’s a hard day all together. We are there for a long time and then he feels sick on top of it all. Usually we have lots of visitors when we are at the day hospital but because they are keeping things so protected with the virus he will not be able to have Art with a Heart come play. He won’t have his fun nurses from other rooms come play. He won’t have Mascots and therapy dogs, music therapists or special sports heroes coming by to play. What will this boy do without any of this over the top attention? We will watch tv and call people on face time and just be normal that’s what. He is so spoiled. I laugh just thinking about how he actually thinks all of the above mentioned is normal. It is far from that. George has just been treated so well and has been doted on throughout the whole transplant. He needs to be brought back down to reality. Thursday he will get a taste of that. I will pack some play doh and we will pass the time just fine. When we were there for his shorter treatment last week he asked me so many times “where all my friends?”  He loves attention that’s for sure. We still need extra prayers for protection from CoViD 19. George still needs so many prayers for healing. He still needs a ton of prayers for the anemia, although much better, it is still present. I just continue praying for his medication intake to not be effecting him negatively and that he can continue to drop more and more until he is medicine free. Side effects are real. Side effects are scary. Side effects can be permanent. Lord just heal George and protect him. Keep us all healthy and strong in this challenging time of life. Thank you for all you have blessed us with. Thank you for bringing George this far. Thank you for our situation in quarantine. We have been very fortunate. I pray for everyone to stay smart and stay well throughout this time of Corona. Even if it doesn’t effect you personally, it really really effects us. It effects so many others too. Just be aware and considerate of people who may be stressed out or in fear of catching the virus. God protect us all and praying everyday for this crazy time to pass.

  • Psalm 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. ... 
  • Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.
  • Nehemiah 8:10 Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength


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