
I took George into Nemours on Tuesday and his labs came back great. His hemoglobin was up to 11.2. That is amazing. Simply amazing. What a huge praise!! Other than after he had a blood transfusion, his hemoglobin has never been that high on its own. His dr was so pleased. I still can not believe it. The treatments to stop the anemia worked. I think that everyone was beginning to think that George was some sort of medical mystery. But God showed them. He showed up big and sure enough healed our boy. I just pray that every day George gets stronger and healthier. Especially with all that is going on with the CoViD 19 virus. My prayers of complete protection over George and our family is something I pray all day about. I am so very thankful that he is getting stronger right now while this virus looms over us all. I think back to last year at this exact time. I was getting everything ready for George’s 2nd birthday party. I wanted to have a really special party for him since honestly, and I hate even admitting this, I wasn’t sure if it would be his last. I cry even typing that out. There were so many unknowns going into him turning 2.  I knew that this was the age that we had decided to go forward with his transplant. So as I was making all the details for his “chugga chugga two two” train party I was also reeling inside knowing what was going to take place over the next year. If you had asked me last year on this day what I thought the whole process would be like it would be so different from what it actually was like. Now, some things were harder for sure, but I can not begin to tell you how much different things went then what I had pictured. In a good way.  Our God. He went above and beyond with not only George’s transplant but also helping me survive it. Helping our family survive it. It was a lot. It still is a lot. This isn’t over. I can say though that I am amazed that this happened this past year and we are here today and doing so well. A bone marrow transplant is one of the hardest things a person can go through. George did it. We did it. It is almost hard to even think of the hardship of it all because of where we are today. Isn’t it funny how something so terrifying and uncertain can all of a sudden be just a memory? I know that there will be many challenges ahead but I also know who our keeper and protector is. When fear creeps up we all just need to look to the Lord for strength and endurance no matter what challenge lies at our feet. April 7th George will turn 3 years old. George is a strong, brave, funny, opinionated, smart and HEALTHY little boy. A lot has changed in one year including the way he looks. I am so thankful that God placed this trial in our life. So thankful. We are all better for it. I am glad that this year as we celebrate his birthday we are celebrating so much more. Thank you Lord for ALL you have blessed us with.

James 1:2-4 

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.


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