A little about George

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart.  Jeremiah 1:5

George (aka Georgie, Porgie, Porge, Georgina) can make you smile in an instant. He is such a playful little guy. He is all boy. He is obsessed with any power tool, yard equipment, cars and trucks, and sports balls. He loves music and dancing in his own funky style. He loves his sisters Bow Bow (Bowers) and Kay Kay (Kate). He is super friendly. He will greet any and everyone with a giant wave and a hello or bye wherever he goes. He is spoiled rotten. We slacked off on our discipline apparently with the third. Maybe this is because he is "special" or maybe because he is adorable. Either way it sure is hard to say no to that face.  He loves loves loves playing outside but can sit through a movie with the best of them. He is smart as a whip. It always surprises me how much he remembers or understands. Although he turned two in April, if you ask him he will tell you he is three. While holding up one finger. And then laughs because he knows he is being funny. He wears his baseball hat on backwards and loves shoes. He needs to be snuggling or laying on top of anyone who sits or lays down. He is very affectionate. George is surrounded by grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and great friends that have supported us and helped us every step of the way. There is no way I could have handled all of this own my own. It has been a group effort since day one. We have a close knit family and God is the center of all of our lives. We know that God is taking care of George and will protect him every step of the way, just as he always has. We are going into this as a team. When they say it takes a village it is true. George’s village is large and we are so thankful for the love and support we receive daily from everyone.  It always amazes me on how much love, support and prayers that we have gotten through this process. Our family will forever be grateful for the abundance of generosity, time, effort and especially prayers.  All I know is that George is a very lucky boy to have so many people who love him. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Love, Mark, Amy, Bowers (7), Kate (4), and George (2).


  1. Amy and Mark, what a precious Angel. George is adorable as is your whole family! Beautiful, blessed family. Please know I am praying for George constantly. And, you all. I can’t imagine the duress you 2 have been under but I can pray for peace that passes all understanding and knowledge that the Lord is in control. It can be freeing to know we can’t thwart His plans AND at the same time, prayer changes things. A mystery, for sure. We may not see each other often but you are family and I love you all and am here in Texas, praying. Will be reading for updates. Blessings and peace and grace of Jesus be with you!!


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