A little set back

This morning we were told that George has double pneumonia. This came as a total surprise. He seems 100% healthy right now. They did a CT scan of his lungs yesterday as a standard protocol for his pre transplant check list. Well the results showed the double pneumonia. He will be put back onto Neupegen and given antibiotics. When this clears up he will then need to have his Adenoids and Tonsils removed. When he is all healed up from both of those then we will be able to begin the process of the transplant again. For now it is being postponed for at least a month. We will be staying in the hospital until they get everything under control with his pneumonia. I will be meeting with more drs today to find out the plan of what we do from here. I will let you know more when I do. Please pray for this to clear up without any further complications and that his surgery goes perfectly and does not cause any other health problems. This is a set back indeed but it is all just part of this whole process. We do not forget that this is all God's timing and not our own so for now we sit here and pray while we wait for this hurdle to be cleared. George is loving the hospital and has already won the hearts over of all of the nurses and doctors. He is in great hands.


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