Frequently Asked Questions

A dear friend of mine had a wonderful suggestion for me to post some frequently asked questions. So here were some of the questions and hopefully it will help.

Q-Are we allowed to visit with people or play or go do things during this "seclusion" time?

A- No. We are staying at our house and limiting our visitors to our parents and siblings who are helping with babysitting. We are not suppose to go to any public places or be around anyone for the most part. We have to make sure that no germs are brought into the house or brought around the kids. This is tricky because although someone may feel totally fine they could be carrying something and not know about it yet. Some virus take 10 days to show symptoms. Our only outings are to Dr appointments.

Q- Does the seclusion period end when George checks in on the 21st?

A- No. Kate does not check in until July 1st so it is very important that she does not get any sickness whatsoever before she is admitted. This would be a big problem because it would delay the Harvest of her marrow and George's body will have already been conditioned to accept it. This also includes Bowers. Because she is around the house and Kate, she too must be in seclusion. We just like to think of this phase as forced sibling bonding. LOL!!  They will appreciate it one day.

Q- How long is Kate's recovery?

A- They said that Kate will most likely only be in the hospital for 2 days and then will only feel sore for a few days and then slightly weak for a few weeks. They said she should rally pretty quickly.

Q- Will I be able to leave the hospital once I check in with George?

A- Technically I can, but I will not be leaving much. I will never have George by himself in the hospital. Since I am his primary caretaker, I will be the one to stay with him the entire time. I also can not risk bringing any germs back with me to the room so the extent of me leaving will be to go outside for a walk around the hospital grounds and then an occasional supply run to my house. Mitch will come up and visit us daily. My mom and sister will come up to let me leave the room for a break. The kids will be able to come visit further down the process but all of those listed will be required to be not only fully well, but will have to be masked and wearing protective hospital clothing before entering the room. We love Facetime and will be using it a ton to visit with all of our loved ones as if they were sitting with us in the room.

Q- What is the amount of time you will be in the hospital?

A- I am not sure about this one. They told me that it would be no less then 8 weeks and up to 100 days (3.5 months).  This all depend upon how everything is going. There are so many factors in this whole process. George will have to get to a certain point of his blood accepting Kate's blood and start functioning properly. There are a ton of set backs in this process so it takes a long time and each case is different from each other so there is no set time period of being there.

Q- Once the transplant is complete will George be free from his disease?

A- A bone Marrow Transplant will cure him from his disease, if it works. There is no guarantee that this will work. This is not a quick fix by any means but WHEN his transplant works he will be cured from his disease.

These were just a few questions that have been asked. If you have any others please feel free to ask me. I will answer them to my best ability. 

We are now at the 1 week countdown to the start date. Keep those prayers coming. We need them big time.


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