Couldn’t stay away

Sunday night George seemed to be off a little and by 2am I was headed to the ER with him because he was running a fever. We were admitted because his blood work came back and his counts were zeroed out. After 2 rounds of Xrays and many many tests we were released this evening because everything came back negative. Praise the Lord. No one knows where the fever came from. It only lasted a few hours that night and hasn’t reoccurred. We will head back to Nemours tomorrow for a meeting with his transplant team to see if we can still proceed with the latest schedule of events. He will be needing to get some more scans done this coming Monday to make sure his lungs are fully healed. He is also now on a lot more medication. Prayers for his tiny body to start eating better and for his organs to be able to handle all of these medications. So happy to be home again to catch up on some sleep. I will let you know how the appointment goes tomorrow and if there is any new news or change of events as far as transplant goes. Please continue to pray for George. I got a small, very small taste of what is to come the past few days and it was pretty rough. This was the first time in all of his hospital stays that he didn’t handle well. It was a lot for him. But, children are so resilient and by this morning he was almost completely himself again. When we got home he was back all the way. Can’t keep a fun boy down 🎉


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