Snore no more

Today George has his adenoids and tonsils removed. The surgery went great and he is recovering just as he should be. A lot of tears shed today from his pain but he has already been eating and playing with toys so that is a good sign that the pain meds indeed work. I am not sure when we will be released but it should only be a short stay. His nap was a non snoring one which he hasn’t had since he was born. It was a cool thing to hear, or rather not to hear.


  1. I'm so happy to hear the surgery went well! I check your blog often....thanks so much for the frequent updates. We'll keep praying! ��

  2. Marci M Northboro, MAJuly 9, 2019 at 4:26 AM

    Lots of prayers for George. He is so adorable! Glad this surgery went well and hopefully, he is free of pain.


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