Back to school

This morning my wonderful mother came up to the hospital at the crack of dawn (literally) to allow me to run home to get Bowers off for her first day of second grade. My mom has been so incredibly helpful to me and my family throughout this entire process and I can not thank her enough for always putting us first and allowing me to not miss out on such a special moment this morning. It meant the world to me and especially to Bowers. It’s hard to balance being away and keeping normalcy but we are trying. Bowers is amazing. We are so proud of her and how she handles life.  George is having a little bit of a bad day today. Nothing was off on his morning reports but he is for sure off. He has just been sad and wanting to be held all day. They also had to change his dressings on his PIC line and change his needle is his port which is a huge and traumatizing process. But in true Wolfson fashion, the Wolfie Wagon pulled up to our room with snacks and Superman. This cheered him up at the moment he needed it most. So prayers for our buddy as his body continues to fight and take on all of this medicine. It looks like it’s beginning to take a little bit of a toll on him.  
The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save.  Zephaniah 3:17


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