Experiencing life again

Last night George and I slept like babies. Not newborn babies. Babies that have just slept through their first 12 hour night. That was us. It was amazing. We woke up and I think we’re both surprised that we were not in our little caged in toddler bed in room 414. He played all day. Ate all day. Got to walk outside for 5 minutes and took his first bath in over a month. I was only allowed to clean him with anti bacterial wipes the entire time we were there. It took a solid 45 min to convince him to get out of the tub. He must have felt so good to feel that warm water on his little body. My day was spent relaxing and organizing all the time tables and amounts of medicines to give him. It’s a lot. But I felt very organized about it and know that although it will be something that takes up a good chunk of our days, we have got this. He is world’s best medicine taker which makes it not such a daunting task. We will go back to the dr tomorrow to get some tests run to see how he is doing. We still have 69 days before we know whether or not this transplant has truly worked. That is one of the sobering things about a bone marrow transplant. You celebrate each milestone and then at any point you could be right back where you started. Our concern now that we are home is not only keeping him well but graft versus host disease. This is where his body decides to reject Kate’s marrow. We won’t talk about this now or ever. It’s too real and it’s too much to imagine. We believe that God has healed George and that these next 69 days will be every one better then the next. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34


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