Grateful heart

Today there is nothing new to report. George had a great day. Kate started ballet. I got a ton of housework done. It was a really therapeutic and peaceful day. George will go to the dr tomorrow afternoon to have a check up and get some labs done to see how he is doing internally. I thought that this would be a great opportunity to thank so many people who have helped us all out throughout this whole process. It’s hard to fully express my gratitude since it continually amazed me at everyone’s generosity with their time, efforts and prayers. Friends and family kept not only my family fed but brought snacks and gifts to the hospital for me too. Gifts for George to help cheer him up were constantly being delivered. My mom came up to the hospital every single day so that I was able to have a break from being up there and just to hold George when he needed it. She also took care of my girls in the afternoons. My sisters all stepped up to help cover for me at work, keep my girls, and help keep my needs taken care of as well. All of our family and friends tirelessly prayed for George. Never stopped. I would get letters and gifts from people I had never even met letting me
Know how much they prayed for george. My in-laws church held many prayer events for us as well and continually prayed and offered support. My husband, well I knew he was a caring and very capable father and partner but boy did he exceed all of my expectations. He came to the hospital sometimes twice a day to visit and to bring me food. He gave me breaks to run errands. He worked full time. He took such great care of bowers and Kate. He got them ready for school, church, did  their homework, made sure they had fun, prayed with them and so much more. It is hard enough for a mom to do the daily responsibilities that children require. He did a better job at it then me.  He never complained. He just did it. Like I had mentioned in a previous post, when he found out we were coming home early he scrambled to get the house ready for George to live in. His father even came to help him clean out the garage and bleach everything in there too. So many people went out of their way to just take such great care of our family. My neighbor even came to replant all of my exterior planters. Throughout all of this one thing is for sure. We are loved. We are cared for and we are covered in prayer. I will strive to always listen out for others needs. Be there when something is needed. Give to others not only through prayer but through support, love, food, notes, physically helping and giving like everyone has done for us. It is really a humbling experience to go through and to see how many people stepped up for us. I am leaving people out and not mentioning people I know but I can tell you that the love was there in all sorts of ways and taught me so much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone and for everything. This journey isn’t over yet but so far you all have sure made it a wonderful one. My heart overflows. My family is thriving. Thanks to God and thanks to all of the support we were given.


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