Highs and Lows

This morning George woke up and started throwing up. He had a dr appointment scheduled for 9am anyway so I cleaned him up and we headed in to Nemours. Not one but two more times on the drive in he threw up again. Now we aren’t talking about a cute little spit up. We are talking projectile. Everywhere. I have been very fortunate that none of my kids have ever thrown up in my car before. I have heard horror stories from others who have had to endure this but it has never happened to me before. Well they say go big or go home. George decided that he wasn’t going to just go big. He also decided that since my car was ultra detailed 2 days ago to ensure a clean space for him, he would  put that mini van right back to its rightful place. I mean it’s almost a crime to have a clean car when you have children.  We finally made it to his appointment and they did some labs on him. They said he physically looked great and that the throw up was hopefully just a fluke. I received a call from the nurse this afternoon saying that his ANC was 3700. What’s that you say? Yes, 3700. Jaw dropping!! When he left the hospital 2 days ago his ANC was 970. I guess he really does thrive at home. All his counts were up and he even is being take off some of his medicines. This morning as I was driving in and all of this was happening with his sickness, fear was gripping me and my mind was racing as to what could be going on. I had to just continually tell myself to not worry. God brought us this far and will continue what he has started. “Fear is a liar”. I just kept praying for peace and confidence as I walked into the drs office. All of the stress and worry was for nothing. It’s so easy to get caught up in that. Just another great reminder to myself to let go and fully trust God.    What better way to celebrate this amazing news then to have a sleep over with just me and my three kids. This is the first time they have actually played with him. Hugged him without being fully covered up. Sat on a couch and cuddle him. The sweet sounds coming from the other room of them playing together is more then I
 can take. What started out as a scary and hard day is ending with my heart exploding and my children surrounding me. God is so good. Great is his faithfulness.


  1. Oh, I can only imagine how scary that was! I'm so glad that it turned out to be not a big deal health-wise. Car-wise... That might be another story, huh? 😬


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