Old Macdonald had a farm, animal

Great news to report. This morning we were awoken to me having to sign a consent for George to be allowed to receive platelets from a donors blood. His platelet count had dipped below the levels that are healthy for you. This seemed like bad news but it actually is totally normal and it would be abnormal if he didn’t have to receive some. Platelets are the last thing to hit rock bottom in a transplant. The nurses were confused as to why they didn’t have a consent already signed by me for him since at this point in transplant he should have already had to have several blood transfusions. This was his first and hopefully his last. The drs then all charged into the room to let me know that George’s ANC (white blood count) was 560!!! He has officially Engrafted. This is the whole goal of transplant. Engraftment. He went from 100 yesterday to 520 this morning. This is a miracle. This is only day +11 from the day of his transplant. Engraftment is typically between days 15-30. The drs and nurses are all so impressed and excited. This is only day one of engraftment and we still have a ways to go. These numbers can always dip back down and go the opposite direction but I am not believing that for one minute. He is not going back. George is being healed. This God, his way is perfect. Psalm 18:30.   Besides the wonderful news of that little feat I was also able to spend a short time with the girls today. They each picked out a special toy for George. His new favorite movie since being in the hospital has been Charlotte’s Web. Knowing this Bowers thought he might enjoy a remote control pig. Well was she ever right! He is acquiring a small collection of farm animals. He may be needing to buy some land when we check out to start his farm. We praise God once again for today and all the joy and hope and good news that it brought.  Oh Lord my God, I cried to you and you have healed me!!!! Psalm 30:2  


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