Pain pain go away

Today was another very sick day for George. He is not sick as in physically getting sick but he is sick internally. He feels terrible. His little body is going through so much right now. His legs are still in horrible pain. He has been on morphine round the clock to help him manage this. Even on the medicine he screams in terror if you even mention his legs. He ate barely anything once again today but is back to nursing which makes me feel better knowing he is getting a little nutrition in him. He did not stand up once today and only sat up a few times. Just laid perfectly still on the couch. He did not complain as much today so that is good. Huge praise is that his blood work this morning showed Kate!!!! Her neutrophils were in his blood. Now just a few but this excited the drs very much which obviously excited us as well. This process is hard and long but it will all be worth it in the end. We will all be better from it. We are so thankful for this glimmer of wonderful news in these hard few days. George will get through these sick times. George will get stronger every day. We will wait patiently and continue to pray for complete healing.    I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 3:13


  1. Hang in there George, in my thoughts and prayers!

  2. Praying for sweet George as well as you! So hard to see your little one in pain!!😥🙏❤


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