Physical therapy

George slept great last night and seems to be feeling a little better today. His counts are slowly coming up and he is showing great signs of healing. His legs seem to still be the cause of most of his pain so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I figured the longer he doesn’t move the worse off he would be so what would anyone naturally do? Get on their physical therapy hat and pretend to know what I am doing. I am making him stand (assisted) in one minute increments. Take a few
Steps (assisted) and squat and stand back up several times. He doesn’t love this but believe it or not, it has made a difference. Not a huge one but by the end of tomorrow I bet I’ll have him walking again. He is scared of the pain so is hesitant to trust me in this method. He still loves me and I swear it isn’t torture. He hardly cries. Just is nervous. Today his hair has really started falling out. I would say about half is gone just from this morning to now. Fortunately he has so much of it to begin with you can’t really tell that much. Hair is over rated anyway and so I have no doubt that when he debuts his new style it will be just perfect for his new self. So tonight we close the day feeling good and hopeful that the worst is behind us. If not then we just take it as it comes. Day by day. But today was a good day. Lots of smiles and his eating has improved. Praise the Lord for the good numbers and for the happy boy.


  1. That news makes my heart so happy! Oh Amy, you are doing a great job! So proud of you.

  2. I'm so glad he had a better day! Kudos to you for making his therapy happen. 😁


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