Reunited and it feels so good

George had a great report back from the drs today. They said he is doing just wonderfully. Exceptionally well. This is what you call answered prayers folks. Now, he still has several weeks minimum to go and every day that goes by is another day of new concerns. So the prayers will not  cease and the believing that God will heal George will never go away. Good days and bad days, we will not stop praising and rejoicing for all that God has done for George and our family.   Since Bowers starts school tomorrow I needed to go home and pack her lunches for the week and get all her outfits laid out.  It was a fun time with the girls but also a little emotional knowing I won’t be there physically for her in this exciting time. But needless to say we still had a great time preparing. The girls also were able to come say hello to our little patient while Mitch and I did the trade off. They got their hug and made sure to hit the nurses up for some icees.  George also was reunited with two of his favorite toys. Blower and edger. I brought them back for him to have in the room and he could not be more pleased with the presents of their company. I had forgotten about how loud these toys were. The sacrifices a mother makes to give her children joy.


  1. George we love you and are praying for you. Lynn and Robert


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