Back to real life

George had labs on Friday and his ANC came back 29,000. I mean is this for real?? God is the real deal people. Praise his wonderful name. All of this, every single second of this transplant (and before) has been God. We are only here to enjoy all of his graces and mercies and love. Can’t take one day for granted. Especially when we are being so well taken care of by our loving God.  All thanksgiving to him.     We are in full force real life once again. George comes with me to work and sits in carpool lines, ballet pick ups and on and on. Good thing he loves wearing his mask. Never once complains about it and even asks for it sometimes. Life is good right now. More appointments this week and I will report back with news as it comes in. We are happy and hot. It has been 100 degrees here the past few days. One of which was standing at a soccer game for an hour and a half. George didn’t come, don’t worry. He is still in his bubble at home and in the mini van running his sisters around.


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