Blood brother

Today George went in for his first ever blood transfusion. His hemoglobin had gotten so low and was at an all time low this morning, 6.5, from all of the blood draws recently. Little did we know that this transfusion was going to last for 3 hours. Now I can come up with some pretty creative ways to pass time at long appointments but this one was gonna be a challenge for sure. Especially since he was totally over being there before we had even arrived. After the first 45 minutes of testing and vital checks he began the transfusion. Things started off pretty well until about 30 minutes into the movie that was turned on for us and George decided it was time to go home. Enter bag of tricks. We read some books. We stacked some blocks. We beaded some necklaces. Then we found the drawer of medical supplies. Naturally I used the bandages to make sweat bands for his head and wrists and he was instantly transformed into his alter ego. Think of a cross between a professional wrestler and a karate master. This carried us through the next few hours easily. It actually turned out to be a fun time together. I can bet we are the only patients on the hematology floor to put on a fake wrestling match while being transfused with an entire bag of blood. We did not get his counts back from his hemoglobin since the transfusion but we did get his counts on his platelets and they were once again up from yesterday. Up to 45!!! I mean it’s just amazing. We will go back on Tuesday for another check up and will get an updated count of everything but in my heart I feel it. He is only going up from here. I can see the light at the end of this tunnel. I am believing that this is the last transfusion he will need and that his total healing is near. Our God is good. So so good. We go into this weekend after a very tough week feeling renewed and praising the Lord for all he has done for George. Keep up the great work buddy. You are almost to the finish line.


  1. Thank goodness he has long tubing!!

  2. Wonderful news about hemoglobin! Thanks for all the updates. I send them to my friends who are praying for George!

  3. I continue to pray for George, he’s blessed to have such a strong and amazing Mom. Thank you for keeping everyone updated.


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