Getting some help

This morning George’s drs called and and wanted us to come in so they could run some more tests on him. His counts from yesterday came back a little low. He also woke up with petechia running down both arms. It is a rash that looks like little blood pin holes everywhere. It can mean a few different things one of which is very low platelets. So he is now having a platelet transfusion. We will find out later today what the tests that were run today say. The dr still thinks that this is all from his cold but can not be positive and since his counts are still dropping they need to be looking into everything. The little trouper always gets to pick a toy from the treasure box they provide for the patients. Today’s pick was a unanimous one and I could only laugh and oblige to his selection. I have a feeling that this toy today will be a trigger of some fights when we get home between his sisters. They will be jealous for sure.  Prayers for some good news later and for George to be getting perfect and pure and healing platelets.


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