Giving him a break

We started George on his appetite stimulant yesterday to see if it was going to improve his eating. Surprisingly it did seem to work. At least for dinner. He cleared a huge plate of food and asked for seconds. He even ate dessert and asked for snacks later in the evening. Just when I was getting excited that this could be the big break we needed as far as weight gain, he threw up.  Everything. This cold is causing mucus to drain in his throat. He coughs to clear his throat but then gags himself and throws up. This continued several times throughout the night. Three bed changes later we woke up and headed to the day hospital for his IV treatment. While we were there they did blood cultures to see where he was with his counts so they could administer a transfusion if needed. George laid absolutely still in his bed and watched the movie Minions which made the hour and a half long IV drip very easy and relaxing. I almost fell asleep at one point. When we finished, they had the results of the blood analysis too. His hemoglobin had dropped to 7 which is really low but his platelets were 16 which is the same as they were yesterday. They said no transfusions were needed today. His platelets have not decreased. Praise the Lord!!!! They haven’t come up either but I’m taking this news as a win. The drs think that his hemoglobin has dropped and is so low due to all of the blood draws that they have been taking from him. His ANC was 3300 which is great too. They also said that we could take the day off tomorrow. They want to give his body a chance to catch back up on his blood reproduction. A day off? I mean what in the world are we going to do all day? I will be at a loss for direction since my car automatically drives itself to the hospital each morning. This is music to my ears. I am so happy for George. He won’t even realize it but I will know that his little body will be having a break and that is what my heart needs right now. Praying that this day long break is healing for him and helps his blood to kick back into super producing mode. Thanking God for a peaceful day and for the good news about getting our staycation tomorrow. I picture us in pajamas all day and him eating everything in site from his new and improved appetite.   Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


  1. You are such an inspiration. Love and prayers.

  2. What terrific news! Thank you Lord!
    Praying mightily!


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