Praises and prayer requests

Today George had one of his dr appointments. He goes twice a week for them to do blood work and give him a check up. They like to keep close tabs on him and his progress. He has not been on Neupegen, a marrow stimulating drug, since last Thursday. Last Friday’s ultra high ANC (absolute neutrophil count)  was a result of the Neupegen. He was on just a small dose every other day to encourage the new marrow to rev up. A normal ANC should be between 1000 and 8000. Before his transplant he would get a daily shot with a “mega dose” of Neupegen and his ANC would always stay around 800-1000. Today his ANC was 5900. That is amazing! No Neupegen there.  Just some good old fashioned big sister super blood. We will no longer have to take Neupegen. Her blood has taken over his blood and he now has a normal working blood stream. This is so crazy for me to think about. Does not seem real. His own blood could not even produce one neutrophil on its own. Not one. Now he is making them just like everyone else. Huge praise. Huge. In other news, he had a very low platelet count today. It has gone down since it had come up after the transplant. It is going in the wrong direction. His dr is not sure why this is. George does have a cold right now so that virus could be a factor. He will be having a platelet transfusion along with some more testing Thursday morning to try and get his platelets up and to get to the bottom of why this is happening. Please be praying for this to not be more then the virus. Please pray that this is not the beginning of graft failure. One of the hardest parts of a transplant is the ups and downs of everything. In the same day you can see wonderful signs and also terrible signs. I believe that this is just his sickness causing his platelets to have dropped. I will be praying for total healing and clarity on what is going on with him. And although I do not think that this is graft failure, I will continue to trust in Gods plan, whatever it will be.  
I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. Psalm 40:1


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