Slowly but surely

Yesterday, remember, was my wonderful and much needed “day off” since George was allowed to skip one day of labs to give his body a break. He had such a nice day. He even took a morning nap which he hasn’t done since he was a little baby. But it wouldn’t be a complete day unless I went to the doctors so on “national daughters day” my two beautiful and lovely daughters made sure I got to go. I was called by the school nurse to come get Bowers because she had a staff infection and would not be allowed back at school without a drs note. I was aware that both she and Kate had this, but I had been treating it and had them well covered up so it was not exposed to anyone else. So after an adventure to the pediatricians for more medications and notes allowing them back to school, oh and flu shots to boot, we checked the daily dr visit off my list. This morning at George’s appointment we got the great news that his platelets were 33!! Yes 33. All by themselves. His last platelet transfusion was on Friday. They are kicking in. Slowly but surely. Praise praise praise God!!! What an incredible answer to many prayers. Now, his hemoglobin came in at 7 which is not good. But they think that this is a direct result of having so much blood taken recently. He will go in tomorrow morning for a blood transfusion to help get his counts back up. Today we rejoice with the wonderful news of his platelets and will not worry about the hemoglobin. He is also eating much better due to the appetite stimulant. Hoping that this will get him in a good habit of loving food and so we can take him off of that soon. If his counts are still good at his next appointment on Tuesday morning then they said he can go down to only having one blood draw per week. Now THAT will be something to celebrate. Especially for George. He is still grumpy grumpy because of all of the extra appointments lately.   Shout with joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious! Psalm 66:1-2


  1. That is a huge praise!! Thank you God for hearing and answering.


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