We’re baaaaccckkkk!!!!

Is it weird that we actually felt at home when we checked into the hospital this morning? Right when we walked into our room George immediately unpacked all of his snacks into the mini fridge, climbed into the bed, crawled onto the window sill and then promptly asked for his toy. When you are spoiled by the nurses for so long you know what to expect. Word had already gotten around the floor that he was coming in so we had lots of visitors within the first 30 min. All of George’s fan club was overjoyed to see him. Weaver 4  immediately lit up upon his arrival. We love this place. These people and all their sweetness and encouragement. It makes us happy to be back even if it’s just for the day. Labs just came back and his hemoglobin is up a little from Friday so he will not be getting a blood transfusion today. His platelets also were up to 12 which is great (for him). Again, normal range is 150-800 but George has been at 8 and 9 so 12 is awesome news. What does this mean? Who knows but I am beyond happy and thanking the Lord for this small jump. He is still going to have a platelet transfusion while we are here just to be on the safe side. I wasn’t sure what the importance of platelets were until this transplant. Your platelets help your body form small clots to stop bleeding. When your platelets are low you could be in a lot of trouble if  you were to cut yourself or get hurt internally. Actually you could just be sitting there and your nose could start bleeding.

 So that is why he is receiving all of these transfusions. They have to get his platelet count into a safe zone. So until tomorrow we will rejoice in this small victory and count our blessings that this hospital stay is only for a day. Even if we do love it here, we love being home more. To our surprise, we had some special visitors who brought chaos and some laughs to both George and me and the nurses and drs. After about 30 minutes we sent them packing. Their overly zealous excitement of being here can only be handled in small doses.    We will not get any answers today. Our stay is just for maintenance. We will meet with his drs and hopefully know something new tomorrow morning.    Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great king above all gods. Psalm 95:2-3


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