Good news

George’s counts came back pretty good this morning. His hemoglobin has dropped down to 10.9 which isn’t wonderful but it isn’t bad either. His marrow is producing red blood cells like crazy so they said eventually his antibodies won’t be able to keep up with killing them and basically will throw in the towel and give up the fight. They are going to wait another week before deciding whether or not to put him on the new medicine to help with the anemia. His doctor seems to think he can beat this with the help of the steroids so he wants to wait to see how this week looks as far as counts. His platelets are back up to 90 which is a huge praise. They had dropped back down to the 40’s last week. His ANC is off the charts high. This is so crazy and wonderful. That was always the only count that I would look at with his appointments. So just thinking about how his disease has been cured is really surreal. He will go into the hospital tomorrow for his monthly IV treatment of heavy antibiotics that is routine for bone marrow transplant patients. It will only be a day trip though. We will go back into Nemours Wednesday morning for more labs and they will have some blood ready for a transfusion in case his hemoglobin dips down any lower. Towards the end of November which will be his 100 day mark of transplant they will do another Bone Marrow Aspiration to see if he is 100% Kate. His last one he was only 96%. That 4% may not seem like a big deal but it is. George’s marrow needs to be 100% Kate’s for this transplant to truly be a success. We will continue to pray for his hemoglobin and anemia problem to fix itself. He seems to be doing so great right now. He looks wonderful. His color is coming back. His hair is slowly filling back in. His energy level is high. His joy and playfulness seem to be escalating which to me means he is feeling better internally. Even though his hemoglobin has dropped today I still feel really great about his results. He will get there. He will be healed completely. Each day is a new day and each day I see little flickers of health coming back into him. It is a good sight to see for this mamas heart. This has been a very long journey and it isn’t over yet but for the first time I am really seeing the light at the end of this tunnel. This is the renewal that I needed. The reminder of Gods faithfulness. Pushing on strong till we beat this. Praising our Lord for all He has provided and protected George from. Looking forward to celebrating George’s new life, soon.  
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14


  1. That is great news Amy! I'm so glad you are encouraged. Love your updates. You are gifted at putting all this into words.

  2. What great news, Amy! Continuing to pray for sweet George.


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