Halloween is coming

Today we were joined by Aunt Becca (my sister Rebecca) who drove in from Gainesville to help out and keep us company during the transfusion. She is the BEST!! She brought a big bag of activities, books and snacks to help pass time while we are in the tiny room. It wasn’t just any bag of treats. It was a Halloween themed bag of treats. Rebecca was born on Halloween so you can always count on her to have some extra fun and special holiday themed goodies. We are crafting, reading books, shining spooky flashlights and eating candy. It will be hard to top this day of fun. After tests and many phone calls to other physicians in the field, George’s drs think what may be happening is that one of his medications to prevent Graft versus Host disease, is making his hemoglobin drop. It is a “phenomenon” that occurs in some patients. So we will change his medicine to another type but will still need to get transfusions often until the end of his 100 day mark which is mid November. The good news is that this is a fixable problem that will go away when he stops taking his medicine. The bad news is we will be coming in every other day until then to closely monitor his hemoglobin level and to receive blood transfusions. It is all just part of the process. You never know what is around each corner. Very thankful that it isn’t a more serious problem and that his other levels are all doing so good. I am going to have to step my game up now though to be able to even begin to compete with the level of enjoyment that aunt Becca brought today. It’s gonna be a busy next month and a half for me and Georgie but I am just so happy that this is a small fix in comparison to what else could have been going on. Thank you God for once again protecting George and for holding him close. And thank you to a super fun sister for bringing some Halloween fun to brighten the day.


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