Roller coaster ride

This morning George’s hemoglobin has dropped again to 8 so he is going to have to have another blood transfusion. Good news is that they think he can wait until Monday to have it.  I haven’t spoken to any of the drs yet about what’s going on specifically so I don't know what the next step will be. I will be able to meet with them Monday to discuss everything.  This morning was the first morning that they allowed me to give him a smaller dose of the steroids but I am guessing that this will be the only dose to be that fortunate. So we power through and get over this hump all the while praying praying for his body to work itself out internally. I have complete peace and confidence that God will heal George fully and protect him along every step of this journey. Through all the ups and downs. This has been a roller coaster in every sense but we are buckled in tight and are grounded knowing who our healer and protector are.
~But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me. 2 Timothy 4:17
~She lives fully convinced that God is able to do whatever He promises. Romans 4:21
~Watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe. Habakkuk 1:5


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