Taking back Weaver 4

All day Saturday and most of the day today we were able to be with our favorite drs and nurses on Weaver 4. It took no time at all to settle right back in to ruling the floor, or in George’s mind at least. I really do think that George thinks that floor is there only for his existence. Blood work from Saturday showed that his hemoglobin was low again and so he had his transfusion. Blood work from today showed that they had held from yesterday so he was able to skip the transfusion. So we came home in time to catch a nap and the second half of the Jags game. We will go back tomorrow to nemours for another transfusion. I spoke with one of his drs yesterday about this hemolytic anemia diagnosis and he gave me some reassuring answers. Since George was diagnosed with his disease at 5 weeks I never chose to google it or look up any information on it. This was my way of protecting my heart and mind. Whenever I have a question I ask his dr and then I am able to get answers that pertain directly to George and not a broad consensus. So I did not look up hemolytic anemia either. I asked the dr if this was a common thing that happens in transplant patients and he told me “yes, very”. I was also told that they would get this under control. Exhale. Each new day comes with its own set of problems. I just need to keep reminding myself that none of this is in my control and to continue trust in God’s good plan for George and our family. This is a marathon, not a sprint. We keep pushing forward. We keep believing in total healing. We keep thanking God for bringing us this far. Tomorrow will bring more answers and hopefully some better news. We are so glad we were able to spend the past few days with some nurses turned dear friends at the hospital. It makes the long days fly by and keeps our hearts happy. Even when some of us, George, are suffering from steroid overload. Yes the term “roid rage” is a 100% accurate term. And he has it bad. They said this should only last a month. So don’t forget to pray for me too. George goes full Hulk on me about twice an hour. Don’t let that angelic face fool you. Steroids turn even the sweetest boys into maniacs. We still love you Georgie, even though your sisters have to wear protective gear around you now. 😂


  1. Philippians 4:6 Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


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