Ups and downs

This weekend George started looking a little yellow to us. Since he naturally has an olive complexion we weren’t sure if it was his pale skin just appearing yellow or if there was a problem going on inside with him and which would be making him yellow. This could be a sign of low hemoglobin or jaundice which would mean there was a problem with his liver. Yesterday his energy level was way down too. On the way to our appointment this morning he even fell asleep on the drive over which had me concerned. When the drs walked in the room to check him out they were shocked at how he looked. They quickly drew his labs and ordered blood for him. Just as they had suspected his hemoglobin was down to 4.9. This is incredibly low. It has dropped substantially since his transfusion on Friday. They were not sure why. The tests showed that his platelets were up to 86!! Praise the Lord!!! And his ANC is at 5600. Awesome! All the tests they ran showed no reason for his hemoglobin to have dropped which is actually wonderful news. When they were explaining different scenarios before the results came back all I could do was pray. So he is getting a 4 hour blood transfusion today and then One again tomorrow. They will monitor him super close this whole week to make sure his levels don’t drop off again. All of his poor organs, especially his heart is working double overtime when his hemoglobin is low. I am just praying that he isn’t admitted to the hospital and more drastic measures taken. Since he feels so weak today the 8 hour appointment is not that exciting. Mostly watching movies and calmly playing with his favorite friends. Kate came with us since I wasn’t able to get her to and from school but was evacuated from us within an hour by my sister. Kate is not called chatty Kathy for no reason. So we will be here until 5:30 today and then return again tomorrow morning to do it again. Praying for his little body to start functioning properly and for all of his levels to even out. The emotional roller coaster is in full effect but our spirits are high and we are confident in our beliefs that God will bring him to where he needs to be quickly. Heal me, o lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved; for you are my praise. Jeremiah 17:14


  1. Sweet George....that was a long day ☹️. Glad there is some good news is there and that he gets his energy back soon. Love you all- chatty Kathy too ❤️

  2. love you George. praying for you <3


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