Almost all Kate

This morning at George’s appointment he got a flu shot. He was so good. Just one little yelp and that’s it. Needles to the leg are no thing for this guy. His hemoglobin has dropped but not enough to have to have a blood transfusion today. We will go back tomorrow morning to check again. That test will also determine whether or not he needs to get his chemo treatment that is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. I am really praying that he will not. I am planning on it happening though and know that even if he gets it, it is for his benefit to get the anemia under control. We were also told that he is 100% Kate in the two out of three categories of his complete marrow. His third marker is coming up too. It is at 88% now which is up from a few weeks ago. Soon he will be all Kate!!!!  This is a huge praise. Thank you Lord for bringing us that much closer to the end goal. It’s so crazy how this all works. It is working though. That’s all I care about. It is not guaranteed yet at this point believe it or not but I chose to believe. I believe that it will be over soon and that he will be 100% Kate. He will live a long and healthy life. Our family will be able to have no boundaries with George’s health. We all look forward to that day. Soon. Since George was diagnosed there have been two (of many) bible verse that I feel relate directly to him and continued to speak to me the whole way. These will always be special to me and hopefully George too when I can tell him all about this amazing journey he took us all on.
 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart”. Jeremiah 1:5


  1. I love this report. 88 is really close to 100! Love you Amy.

  2. Very powerful. God is blessing your family in every way.


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