Busy week

George had to get another platelet transfusion in the middle of the night last night. They had dropped again to 4. His hemoglobin held at 11 and his ANC was around 950. This week will be a week filled with lots of action for George. More chemo today. Tomorrow he will have an antibody IV treatment. Wednesday he will have another Rituximab treatment. Thursday he will be put under to have a bone marrow aspiration and then Friday he will get another round of chemo. We will either be released Friday afternoon or Sunday depending on how his counts are holding up. It’s all pretty confusing to understand. I have to just trust that the drs know exactly what to do and also trust that God will protect George and heal him. We are confined to our room which is a little tricky when you are 2 and on steroids. But fortunately George  loves to play so that is keeping us busy. Also on a sad note but has for sure been top interest to George, 3 birds today have flown into our glass window and fallen to the roof top below us. Don’t worry, after what seemed to be the end of the birds, low and behold they eventually got up and flew away. So we are learning lessons in nature as well. George seems to be totally healthy and totally happy which makes it hard to understand that inside he could be doing so bad. It also makes it so nice though. I feel like it would be so much harder on me if he was feeling sick or looking more sick. I think God protects our hearts that way. So we are ringing in November with a cozy little hospital stent and looking forward to what all God has in store for this boys future. And ending on a super positive note, steroids will begin to be tapered off in a few days. Now if that isn’t something to be shouting for joy about, I don’t know what is. Thank you Lord for our comfortable hospital room. Thank you Lord for a husband who steps up big time for my girls. Thank you Lord for giving George the most fun and playful personality. Thank you Lord for the healing that has taken place and continues to take place.
"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved; for you are my praise." Jeremiah 17:14


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  3. Praying for you mightily!
    So appreciate all the updates!

  4. You are amazing! Just keep going day by day. We are praying continuously for George and all of you. I can't imagine how hard this is, and yet your words are an inspiration to me through all of this. Keep up the great work!


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