Day 100

Yesterday was George’s 100th day of his new life. It was 100 days since he received Kate’s marrow. This was the day that the drs always would talk about as being a milestone in the transplant. Why? It is suppose to be a marker to show whether or not the transplant “took” or was successful. Successful in the sense that it was working the way it is suppose to. According to his drs, George’s transplant was a success. Praise the Lord!!! Before all of this began we heard all about the 100 days. We were told to expect to be in the hospital for 100 days. We were so fortunate to only have to stay for 30 days and then only an additional 10 days since. Even if we do come to Nemours three times a week we are still “outpatient” which is really huge in a transplant situation. 100 days was also, in my head, the day that we would celebrate with George being healed. It’s funny how you set these things up in your head before knowing what it is really like. So yesterday came and went without really any excitement which was strange. I had pictured me having a huge celebration to honor George. I had pictured life to be completely normal for him after day 100. This is not the case. We do celebrate the huge milestone of day 100 because it truly is a miracle and blessing that his transplant was successful. It is however not over by any means. I write this post as he is having a blood transfusion because his platelets dropped again. With transplant comes other problems such as this hemolytic anemia. His dr assured me this morning that we will get this under control, it will just take time. So George will continue his journey with more chemo and more transfusions until his body accepts the new marrow. We will continue pressing forward and admiring all of Gods wonderful blessings upon George. We will keep on enjoying our time at home with him. We will keep praying hard for a shield of protection over him from any and all viruses. We will celebrate the holidays hunkered down and in our bubble while celebrating the victory of his successful transplant. If that isn’t something to be thankful for this thanksgiving then I don’t know what is. Even though his day 100 wasn’t what I thought it would be, it is still a huge accomplishment and something that I thought he may never get to. Our God is so good. He has brought us so far. We are so close to the finish line. And whenever that day comes we will fall to our knees and then we will celebrate. George will get there. And boy is it going to be a a party. This journey is so long but it is going to be so worth it.                                                     Lord, you are my God,
I will exalt you and praise your name,
for in perfect faithfulness
you have done wonderful things,
things planned long ago.  Isaiah 25:1


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