Lazy days

This past weekend was the coldest it has been since last winter. We welcomed it with open arms. Mitch had some good friends from high school come in town for a visit so me and the kids camped out at my parents house while they are out of town. We stayed in pajamas almost the entire weekend and watched a whole season of Little House on the Prairie. It was a childhood favorite of mine so I was so excited to see that all 9 seasons are offered on Amazon Prime. It’s the little things these days 😂  Monday morning we were back at the dr as usual. His counts came back ok. Not great. Not bad. We will go back in Thursday for another blood transfusion and then we will check into the day hospital Friday for another round of IV chemo. Fun things from the week have included Thanksgiving themed donuts from Krispy Kreme, Christmas card photo shoot, Bowers’ Thanksgiving lunch at school and Kate’s thanksgiving program at school. Thursday night Mitch will be out of town so I have something special and fun (for the girls) and safe (for the immune compromised). More on that later this week. All is well in the Mitchell house. Including everyone’s health. Last week was the week of colds. This week, albeit only Tuesday, we are all feeling great. Thank you Lord for all of your blessings. Big and small.


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