Prayer request Wednesday

Today was pretty uneventful. George had his 8 hour chemo drip and so far no sickness from it like the last time he had it. I guess the Zofran worked. His platelets had dropped again so he was suppose to get his transfusion earlier today but the platelets that came for him were expired so they had to call for some new ones. They get all of George’s blood and platelets from Gainesville. They still haven’t arrived but word on the hall is that they will be here by 9pm. So he will get one tonight and then again early tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning at 8am he will have his bone marrow aspiration. This is that procedure where they go into his hips to collect bone marrow so they can examine it and understand how it is working. This is a procedure that he has to go under for which is always an uneasy feeling for me. This time even more so though since his counts are so low. Remember, platelets are what clots your blood so when you have ultra low platelets you are bringing on a whole new set of problems when you are drilling needles into your hips. They are going to give him a platelet transfusion right before his surgery to help bump up his counts. I know that God will be with him the whole time and protect everything about the procedure but I would also really appreciate some extra prayer warriors for tonight and for tomorrow. George will not be able to eat or drink anything from midnight tonight until after the procedure. That is where the prayers for tonight come in. I still nurse George. Mostly just at night and nap time. I chose to continue nursing him throughout this whole transplant as a form of comfort to him. He sure loves it. Especially all night long. Not only will I be denying George of his middle of the night and morning pleasure but I am denying a steroid filled George of his middle of the night and morning pleasure. It should be an interesting night to say the absolute least. Please pray for a flawless surgery tomorrow and for a perfect healing from the aspiration itself. Continued prayers for all of this medicine he is on. Continued prayers for the bubble of protection over him from any and all sickness. And as always, continued prayers for this anemia to get under control and fast. Total healing Lord. Hear our prayers. Answer our cries. Hold George in your arms throughout all of this. We thank you for his great attitude and laughter each day. Thank you for all of the moving pieces in our life that seem to always work out perfectly. Thank you for getting us through another day.   So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10


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