Star Wars gone wild

Last night Georges platelets didn’t arrive from Gainesville until 2am. Once he received that transfusion we were able to try and get some sleep. After some tossing and turning we were up for good and taken down for his bone marrow aspiration. It was a quick and successful procedure. He was back up in his room by 10:30. He was tired but seemed to be feeling pretty good. After a big chick fil a lunch, George was surprised by Rooms Come True. This is a wonderful program that comes to children’s hospital rooms and decorates them according to their likes. When I thought I had seen it all from this wonderful hospital they went and blew me away. George had his whole room decorated with a Star Wars theme. Not just decorated walls either. They got him complete bedding, giant stuffed animals, action figures, books, decorative throws and pillows and even some other non Star Wars toys. Now you may think that George doesn’t fully understand what Star Wars is but that is not the case. George has seen every Star Wars movie ever made not once but hundreds of times. (Please don’t judge 😂) He knows every single character of both old Star Wars and new Star Wars by name. He can sit through the entire movie from start to finish and then ask to watch it again. He is a BIG fan. So imagine his surprise when he saw his room. I think that this boost in joy and spirits came at just the right time. We were both fading a little. Not anymore. George had the entire Weaver 4 nursing staff playing light saber fights with him until he was rolling on the floor laughing. Tonight we will sleep in our fabulous new bed snuggled up with our favorite friends and fall asleep watching one of the Star Wars movies. Oh and did I mention that all of this stuff glows in the dark? It just gets better and better. A huge part of the healing process for a child and their families is the ability to have fun and distractions from their illness and situation. We are just so blessed that Wolfson hospital realizes this and places so much effort and time into doing this. We will not know any results from the procedure today for a few days and George will continue on tomorrow with another round of chemo as well as another platelet transfusion. I’m still not sure when we will be checking out. But I do know that all of the gestures and kind acts done for our family this week have given us such joy both externally but in our hearts as well. We are humbled once again and blown away with all of the love. Today was a good day. A very good day. George may have some sore cheeks tomorrow from all the laughing and smiling and I will have swollen eyes for sure from all of the happy tears. 
All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 4:15


  1. this is so wonderful. I had no idea that they did this kind of stuff for the children and families... makes my heart happy for you, and George! 😘


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