Fifths, Strep and Platelet decline, Oh My!

This past weekend was full of very special and fun times. We had a private visit with Santa, a Dreams Come True gingerbread house decorating party and the girls and I got to go to a family Christmas party as well. I was even able to slip away for a few hours by myself to go visit my best friend who was in town for the Art and Antique Show. While I was at the show I got a call from Mitch who said  when they were playing outside,  a neighbor noticed a rash all over Kate. She said that it was Fifths disease. It is a very contagious virus that shows itself with red checks and a rash. It is no longer contagious once the rash appears but low and behold George started showing signs as well. Normal children can handle this virus without any problems but in immune compromised children it causes anemia and can be very problematic. So what does it do to a child who is already anemic you ask? Well after speaking with George’s drs they assured me that he would be ok until today’s appointment since he just had a blood transfusion on Friday. When we got to his appointment today he, all of a sudden had this rough, red rash all over his body. The dr said this was strep. The fifths disease can turn into strep too. They sent his labs off for more testing on that. He is already on all kinds of antibiotics so he is covered as far as keeping it under control and healing itself. His labs also showed that his platelets had dropped to 17. Yikes!!! So he will be going back in tomorrow for a platelet transfusion. Although I did not speak to the dr about why he thought the platelets dropped, I am assuming it is from the virusus that he has. His hemoglobin was at 11.5 so that was great news. I’m sure by all of the sicknesses that you hear me posting about you would think that we are a super unhealthy crew. Well, we aren’t poster children for perfect eating and lifestyle but I can assure you we are pretty average if not above average on our intake of healthy foods. I think that having other children in our house who are not on isolation just means that we bring the risk of catching things. And George not having an immune system, will in turn be effected by even the slightest germ. He seems to be feeling fine though despite what his body is dealing with at the moment. Praise the Lord. Plus his cute little rosy cheeks coordinate with all of his Christmas attire.  I mean who can complain about anything when you have a happy energetic boy who is up for anything? We will get through this just like we have all the other viruses and set backs. God will once again protect George and keep him safe. The hospital is buzzing this time of the year so we can be there with them enjoying all of the Christmas spirit. Praying for a quick recovery and for this to not do too much damage to the progress we have made fighting the hemolytic anemia. The Lord is good. Always. 


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