Live nativity

This morning we went in for a loaded appointment. A lot seemed to go down between yesterday and today with George. Last night while holding him I noticed a lump in his pajama leg. I unzipped him only to find half of his port access tubing. Yikes. I wiped each of the connecting ends with alcohol pads and reconnected it. I prayed over it that no germs were let in. We also noticed that he has a pretty bad in grown toe nail. This is much more serious in him because of the infection. He has been running a little fever last night and today and his diapers are bad again. At the appointment he had to have all his tubing and needles changed because of last nights incident. That is never fun. He has to do this once a week and so when we have to do it more then that it makes you a little sad for him. It’s not a pleasant process. We got instructions on how to treat the toe and found out if it didn’t get better on its own they will have to do surgery on it. So strange that an in grown toe nail could ever lead to surgery. We will get it cleared up though before it comes to that I am confident. His rash hasn’t shown any signs of improvement and actually has now gone down to his legs as well. But all of that being said there is some good news. His platelets came up in their own. Just to 43 but still. They came up. His hemoglobin dropped and they will most likely give him a blood transfusion later this week. They will check him everyday to keep a close eye on all the new developments. On our way out we got to visit with Buc the mini horse and his brother Buddie the chihuahua all decked out their Christmas best. We talk about the Nativity a lot this time of the year so when George asked why Buc was their I naturally told him that it was a live Nativity. I mean, there was a mini horse at the birth of our Lord I’m certain of it.  Continued prayers for the overall health of our boy. Continued prayers for his healing of all of these new issues. We thank you Lord for this wonderful time of the year and all that you provide us with in the good times and the bad. God, you always carry us and protect us and we thank YOU!!


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