Very merry, temporary

I don’t know who had more fun yesterday. George while opening all of his gifts or us getting to watch George open all of his gifts. This was the year of George for sure. Every single thing, big or small that he received brought such joy and laughter to us all. He is a character. The reactions were priceless. His personality is too funny. We had a wonderful day from start to finish. George was able to participate in it all too. It has been almost an entire year since he has been around some of his cousins and aunts and uncles so having them see how much he has grown and changed was really special. Christmas is such a wonderful day especially when you can all be together. Something interesting happened though. Jolly old St Nick changed to the Grinch overnight. George woke up with a chip on his shoulder. Ah the joys of a toddler. I was able to somehow wrestle him into the day hospital for an IV treatment and then over to Nemours for a dr appointment. Kicking and screaming the entire day. I think that the lack of sleep and the overstimulation from the prior days festivities really took a toll on him. Thank goodness for distractions in the form of cell phone footage of the Christmas fun to watch and a surprise lunch visit from mom mom with his new favorite chicken salad. Because of this we were able to pull off what could be described as PTCD (post traumatic Christmas disorder).  His counts looked great and were pretty much holding from last weeks good news. Hemoglobin was 12 and his platelets were 127. ANC was at 2600. We don’t have to go back until Monday either. Praise the Lord! We left the building literally with guns blazing and will head into the weekend rejoicing in another good appointment. Thank you Lord for the fun that you put into our lives. Thank you for the family and friends who love us so well. Thank you for the strong willed and hilarious little warrior boy that you gave us. Thank you for his two sisters who find him just as amusing as we do and who make joy in every single situation they are put in. We are grateful for this and so much more.


  1. So glad you had a wonderful Christmas day! Love you and thank you for your blog posts. It helps me have specific prayers.


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